The Globe hosts several regular jam sessions that provide an environment for musicians to improvise and for audiences to enjoy.
Each session has a different character but they are all welcoming to instrumentalists and vocalists and to people who just want to listen. They are no tickets but we do rely on donations so please bring some cash to put in the tin. You do not need to book in advance for any of these sessions – just come to The Globe prepared to have fun.
The regular jam sessions are as follows:
Am Jam – 2nd Sunday of each month, 2-5pm
Jazz session designed to encourage amateur jazz musicians who do not have much experience of jamming. Most tunes will be very well known jazz standards. Facilitated by Rob Bailey.
More Jam – 4th Sunday of each month, 2-5pm
Jam session for jazz musicians who are more experienced, although not necessarily professional. Facilitated by Dave Parker.
Folk Jam – each Tuesday during learning terms, 9-11pm
Pub folk session – traditional and contemporary. Facilitated by Dave Wood.
Take it to the Bridge – each Wednesday, 7.30-10.30pm
The longest-running weekly jazz session in North East England. It operates as a collective workshop, facilitated by Jude Murphy and others.
For more information on any of these sessions please email
Jam sessions – Jazz & Folk
The Globe hosts several regular jam sessions that provide an environment for musicians to improvise and for audiences to enjoy.
Admission free – donations welcome
The Globe hosts several regular jam sessions that provide an environment for musicians to improvise and for audiences to enjoy.
Each session has a different character but they are all welcoming to instrumentalists and vocalists and to people who just want to listen. They are no tickets but we do rely on donations so please bring some cash to put in the tin. You do not need to book in advance for any of these sessions – just come to The Globe prepared to have fun.
The regular jam sessions are as follows:
Am Jam – 2nd Sunday of each month, 2-5pm
Jazz session designed to encourage amateur jazz musicians who do not have much experience of jamming. Most tunes will be very well known jazz standards. Facilitated by Rob Bailey.
More Jam – 4th Sunday of each month, 2-5pm
Jam session for jazz musicians who are more experienced, although not necessarily professional. Facilitated by Dave Parker.
Folk Jam – each Tuesday during learning terms, 9-11pm
Pub folk session – traditional and contemporary. Facilitated by Dave Wood.
Take it to the Bridge – each Wednesday, 7.30-10.30pm
The longest-running weekly jazz session in North East England. It operates as a collective workshop, facilitated by Jude Murphy and others.
For more information on any of these sessions please email
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