Genre-blending folk band The Rabbitts have been described as “ethereal and understated” on BBC Radio 6 Music. Their unique and colourful sound is characterised by delicate harmonies and an intricately interwoven tapestry of mandolin, guitar, bass, and drums.
In the summer of 2024 they released their EP ‘The Weight of the Water Above Me’ which Glide Magazine described as “a glorious display of ambient folk”. It is the 1st in a series of 4 EPs which are being released seasonally, with the final scheduled for spring 2025. These follow on from their album ‘Love’ which was described as “intricate, lush and completely captivating” by Podcart.
They are an ever evolving group who are constantly creating and rarely staying still.The Norwich based band are kicking off 2025 with their second tour of the UK.
Unreserved seating. Names of ticket holders will be on the door. We do not send out physical tickets.
When you buy tickets you will be invited to create an online account. You don’t have to do this but, if you do, you will find it quicker and simpler to buy tickets in future. Also, you can access all your ticket information and livestream files from your account dashboard, which is very convenient.
AGE RESTRICTIONS Children and young people under 16 years old may attend events accompanied by an adult (age over 18). They are not allowed to enter the premises after 9pm and they must leave the premises by midnight. Under 16s are not allowed to purchase soft drinks, but they may consume soft drinks bought for them by their accompanying adult. 16 and 17 year olds are allowed to attend events unaccompanied by an adult and they may purchase soft drinks. They must leave the premises by midnight.
Feb 20 – The Rabbitts + Steff Mundi
Thursday 20 February, 8pm (Doors 7.00 pm)
Tickets: £10 advance, £12 door
All tickets are sold subject to our Terms and Conditions of sale.
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Genre-blending folk band The Rabbitts have been described as “ethereal and understated” on BBC Radio 6 Music. Their unique and colourful sound is characterised by delicate harmonies and an intricately interwoven tapestry of mandolin, guitar, bass, and drums.
In the summer of 2024 they released their EP ‘The Weight of the Water Above Me’ which Glide Magazine described as “a glorious display of ambient folk”. It is the 1st in a series of 4 EPs which are being released seasonally, with the final scheduled for spring 2025. These follow on from their album ‘Love’ which was described as “intricate, lush and completely captivating” by Podcart.
They are an ever evolving group who are constantly creating and rarely staying still.The Norwich based band are kicking off 2025 with their second tour of the UK.
Unreserved seating. Names of ticket holders will be on the door. We do not send out physical tickets.
When you buy tickets you will be invited to create an online account. You don’t have to do this but, if you do, you will find it quicker and simpler to buy tickets in future. Also, you can access all your ticket information and livestream files from your account dashboard, which is very convenient.
If you need to contact us about ticketing please email or send a message to our Facebook page.
Children and young people under 16 years old may attend events accompanied by an adult (age over 18). They are not allowed to enter the premises after 9pm and they must leave the premises by midnight. Under 16s are not allowed to purchase soft drinks, but they may consume soft drinks bought for them by their accompanying adult.
16 and 17 year olds are allowed to attend events unaccompanied by an adult and they may purchase soft drinks. They must leave the premises by midnight.
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