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Newcastle’s award-winning, community-owned music venue is running a crowdfunding campaign to help improve the premises and grow the business.

Last year we celebrated 10 years of community ownership: a remarkable achievement that transformed a failing pub into a thriving grassroots venue. We expect to face ongoing challenges over the next 10 years. Energy costs have more than doubled, the building needs frequent maintenance and repair, and equipment needs to be replaced. It is increasingly difficult to generate sufficient income from bar sales to cover essential expenses. This is not unusual. The Music Venue Trust reports that more than 40% of UK venues ran at a loss in 2024, and in the last two years more than 160 shut down. Most grassroots music venues rely on donations.

We asking our wide community of supporters to donate to our crowdfunding project. The aim is to raise £30,000 in four weeks. This will be used to stabilise cashflow, to reduce The Globe’s carbon footprint and electricity costs, to upgrade stage lighting, and to improve facilities on the first floor and roof terrace.

To donate visit All donations, large or small, are welcome and there are various rewards including free entry to gigs and being acknowledged on a supporters wall.

Please make a donation and please share our posts about crowdfunding on social media.

Please consider making a small donation to our community owned music venue.