New Year’s Resolution – Support The Globe

With the New Year there is a new way to support the North East’s unique community-owned music venue.

You can become a Friend of The Globe. It’s helpful, it feels good, and it’s free.

Lots of people think The Globe is wonderful and want to help but until now there have been limited options for getting involved. You can either volunteer to work on the bar or door or sound desk at gigs (and this doesn’t suit everyone) or you can join the board of directors (which seems like a big step).

Now you can get involved in a new group called Friends of The Globe. It’s open to anyone who wants to help by sharing some of their time, knowledge and experience.

Friends of The Globe will provide practical help and ideas to contribute to the complicated business of running a community-owned music venue, education centre and bar. Friends could help with programming events, developing participation, marketing, promotion, hospitality, fundraising and in many other ways.

If you’d like to be a Friend of The Globe, please email and say how you would like to help.

Friends of The Globe is about generating ideas and putting them into action. It won’t be endless meetings … but we will need a couple of meetings to get things going. We will be having the first Friends of The Globe meeting at The Globe (of course) and we will try to make it possible to take part online. Please indicate when you would or would not be able to attend. The most likely times are:

  • Weekday afternoons from 2pm
  • Thursday/Friday early evening from 6pm
  • Weekend late mornings from 10:30am
  • Weekend afternoons from 2pm

If you know someone who you think might be interested in helping The Globe, please forward this message to them.

Best wishes for 2023